Community Schools
Every student is entitled to schools with the resources, opportunities, and supports that make academic success possible; this is what Community Schools offer.
Community schools are public schools that partner with families and community organizations to provide the educational opportunities and supports necessary to ensure student success. Community Schools are research-based, comprehensive, locally controlled, and designed by the community. Schools implementing Community Schools strategies have demonstrated improved graduation rates, higher attendance, and lower drop-out rates.
The Georgia Department of Education has begun a process to identify potential Community Schools in the state and is developing a “Whole Child Model School Certification” process, to support schools and systems working to implement the Community Schools model.
Communities deserve local solutions to local problems, and students deserve access to the specific supports they need to flourish within their own community schools.
2021-2022 Legislative Priorities
Bills We Support:
HB 201 - creates a certification process for Whole Child Model schools
Every school can, and should, be a community school | EdSource
Community Schools as an Effective School Improvement Strategy: A Review of the Evidence
Building Community Schools: A Guide for Action
Trusted Partners
Coalition for Community Schools
Georgia Department of Education - Office of Whole Child Supports